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Hacks for the Untrained Social Media Manager

Make Social Media fun again and take the pressure off with some simple and easy advice from the old man of Social Media, Tom Ragg.

Learn the dos and don’ts, score secret creative hacks and housekeeping tips, plus the “how-to” guide for tracking social success in this fun, short webinar.

Our studio producer Lia gets Tom to break down his essential hacks into bite-size chunks so you can get the most out of your time with us.

Business Personality Quiz

You’re a business like no other, and your social media presence should reflect that. So before you get to actually posting, there’s a few business personality questions to ask and answer! Let’s start with the most obvious ones…

  • What is your social media presence goal?
  • How are you going to achieve it?
  • What is your communication style going to be?

Hits & Misses

Once you’ve established some brand ‘social trademarks’, it’s time to get experimenting! You’re going to have a few more logistical things to iron out and it’s always a good idea to get researching and spend some time trialling your hits & misses. Executing a flawless social media presence isn’t going to happen overnight and that’s completely okay!

“Do we have to be on every platform?”, “Is it worth finding a brand voice?”, “How much experimenting should you do on a business account?” Tom’s got you covered with answers only a seasoned expert could give you!

“There are no bad ideas, they are just ideas that haven’t been massaged into something great yet”

Hot Cross Puns: The Not-So-Great Examples

The team have put their dream business “Golden Flour” to the test to show off the best of the best examples of BAD social media posts so you don’t have to!

Watch the entire Webinar to cover all the must-know hacks for the untrained social media manager and get your business thriving online!

Have any burning questions you’d like to ask The Old Man of Social Media? Email Tom with your questions over at hello@socialstorytellers.com.au or send the team a message on LinkedIn!
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